As the population grows and our power infrastructure ages, grids and microgrids require dynamic monitoring and control systems that provide processing flexibility to scale distribution, optimize grid assets, and analyze grid performance.
Voltage sags and swells, interruptions, harmonics, and high-frequency noise are issues associated with grid applications. Troubleshooting these problems requires instruments that can take accurate measurements and analyze power quality.
Machine condition monitoring tracks machine or asset conditions to predict mechanical wear and failure. Vibration, noise, and temperature are key indicators. Trends in this data can show how to prevent unexpected failure and costly repair.
As the energy landscape moves toward renewables, power systems are experiencing a paradigm shift. Power electronic converters must be smarter, more efficient, and more reliable to meet the demands of a complex and distributed power network.
Promethean Power Systems built a thermal battery-powered refrigeration system using solar energy and NI products to cool and store milk, which decreased transportation and chilling costs.
SERIS created a rugged network of remote meteorological stations based on CompactRIO hardware throughout Singapore to monitor and analyze research data.
This handbook includes examples that show how researchers are using NI solutions to meet some of the greatest challenges we face by measuring, controlling, and prototyping innovative approaches to global energy needs.