Take full advantage of Quanser’s course resources to rapidly deploy an experiential teaching lab.
- Enables the complete range of Quanser teaching products and course resources
- Support for the Simulink graphical development environment using external mode
to enable real-time execution, parameter tuning, and data monitoring in Windows - Quanser hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) API for fast and easy access to a wide variety of hardware devices from data acquisition cards and cameras, to user interface devices including joysticks and haptic wands
- Direct interface to a variety of FLIR cameras for image processing
- Extensive library of utilities for rapid control prototyping
- Support for the NI myRIO and NI ELVIS III embedded platforms
The easiest way to communicate in real-time between any distribution of applications, at any rate, using any protocol.
- All features and capabilities of QUARC Essentials
- Real-time persistent and deterministic communications
- Support for data I/O using TCP/IP, UDP, shared memory, serial, SPI, I2C
- Execution options for communications include synchronous/asynchronous, blocking and non-blocking
Seamless application prototyping for autonomous multi-platform, multi-agent research.
- All features and capabilities of QUARC Integration
- Support for autonomous systems including Quanser QBot 2e mobile robot and QDrone quadrotor
- Directly access localization data from NaturalPoint OptiTrack and Vicon camera systems
- Dynamically reconfigure your code to provide flexible operating modes
- Optimized application library for autonomous vehicles including reference frame operations, image processing, and video compression and transmission
Rapid control prototyping for advanced robotics research.
- All features and capabilities of QUARC Integration
- Hardware support for Quanser Joint Control Robots and haptic devices
- Interact with your software using the 3D Systems Phantom and Force Dimension haptic devices
- Optimized application library for robotics including reference frame operations,
kinematics, image processing, and video compression and transmission