InsightCMTM is application software for condition monitoring with full access to waveforms, multiple sensor technology inputs, enterprise software connectivity, and analytics packages
Explore InsightCMTM Features
InsightCM TM online asset monitoring application software is for maintenance professionals who need analytics-based reliability assessment, optimized maintenance schedules, online analysis tools, multiple sensor technology inputs, and connectivity to existing enterprise or IoT software. You can connect your equipment to InsightCM with NI continuous or wireless monitoring devices to help your maintenance team support predictive maintenance and digital transformation programs.
Connect to Existing Enterprise Software
Diagnose from Your Desktop
Cover More sensor Technologies
Diagnose potential faults from anywhere with a web-based interface for viewing asset health data and tools such as statistics, data viewers, and alarms.
Convert data to actionable information with an add-on analytics package for centrifugal motor-driven pumps.
Eliminate useless asset data with intelligent hardware at the edge, configurable data collection behaviors, and alarms and notifications.
Integrate with existing IT infrastructure as well as third-party enterprise software tools.